Friday 10 April 2015

Argentine Govement declares pop star 'wanted'

The Biebs had been ordered to appear for questioning in November for allegedly assaulting a photographer but never showed up!

Justin Bieber will be immediately thrown behind bars if he dares to travel to Argentina.
Reports say a Buenos Aires judge has hinted the police that the famous pop star is a wanted man in the South American nation.
Back in November 2013, an Argentine photographer claimed he was attacked by Bieber's bodyguards under his order as the singer struggled to get out of a nightclub.
The 21-year-old had been ordered to appear for questioning in November but apparently that never happened because he vanished into thin air.
The judge who issued the most recent order on April 8 said, "I consider it pertinent to order the immediate detention of the accused." 
Bieber's reps have said the case has been resolved, but apparently the judge doesn't see it that way.

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