Friday 12 August 2016

#SaveMayowa Saga has been resolved...and here are the facts

Some persons who helped in the process of raising money for Mayowa wanted to collect their "share" from the money, and started acting like they care for the lady and should be with her always.

Good news is that Police investigation has revealed the truth and the embargo placed on the account has now been lifted to enable her family spend the money for her treatment.

Read the details below...

According to Stella's Blog: “The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni, who confirmed this today, said the command therefore had to remove the embargo placed on the accounts, where the sum of N81million and 100,000 dollars, were raised by public spirited Nigerians, home and abroad. 
He said according to their findings, the controversy was caused by misunderstandings over the modalities for dispensing and controlling the money between the Ahmed family, the Nollywood actress, Toyin Aihmaku and Life Stake Foundation. 
He also added that the trio had raised the money with genuine intent, adding that barring any unforeseen circumstance, Mayowa should be flown out of the country for treatment.”

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