Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The whys of our underdevelopment by: Adelakun Adedolapo

The present economic crisis, corruption, insecurity, and other related malpractices in Nigeria have grown higher than the height of mountain Kilimanjaro as the outcries of Nigerians reveal. It is quite unfortunate that the expectations of the less-privilege Nigerians over the years for good governance have remained iffy just as the coming of Jesus Christ owing to the campaign for change preached by various highbinders who called themselves leaders have crusaded to the masses. 

In Nigeria, the so-called politicians see political positions as the fastest ways to affluence and prosperity and as such they turn politics to warfare in order to attain power. The economic crises in the country can be attributed to the failure of the country's leaders to realize the basic importance of diversifying the economy rather than relying heavily on Oil as the major source of the country's wealth. In countries like the USA, China, Japan and England, economy experts explain that these countries have attained a higher position in the world today because their leaders and followers have been able to appreciate the importance of good governance, economy diversity and respect for the rule of law, but in Nigeria the reverse is the case. The negligence of the highbinders and the exploited followers on the present economic crises in the country has far- reaching effects not only on the less- privilege who struggle for sustenance but also on the hidden persuaders and their willing collaborators, posterity and the shame it has on the country among great nations of the world. There are number of ways through which the country could diversify its economy. First, through industrialization a country could attain a higher position among the world's largest economies. Jekayinfa Adekunle, a student in the department of Urban and Regional Planning in osun state university, explained how the establishment of industries coupled with technological advancement and innovation have helped a country like Japan after its downfall in worldwar2 to be among one of the world's largest economies. He explained further that the reason for the inability of Nigeria to embrace industrialization is due to the selfish interest of Nigerian leaders to appreciate the utmost importance of industrialization. Two, agriculture is also very vital in building an economy that will satisfy the needs of the present and future generations with sustainability. Agriculture is a necessary ingredient in achieving a balanced economy not only because it provides sustenance for the teeming population but because it contributes immensely on the country's economy. The so-called politicians do not only know the meaning of investing in agriculture but they are more interested in exploiting the masses through the encouragement of importation of agricultural produce from other countries owning to the gain they derive from it.
Rural development is an approach in building a flamboyant economy due to its paramountcy in providing employment opportunities for the rural dwellers, reduction of rural-urban migration, and saving... Four, transportation is also a toll for driving a country socially, politically, economically, and earth-wise. " immobility perpetuates poverty"--- Winfred Owen. A country without good transportation facilities could be poor. Through transportation a country can awaken itself and rise to prominence economically and politically, even socially.
  It is highly conspicuous and noteworthy that the level of Nigerian democracy is very low when compared to other democracies as practiced in countries like Switzerland, England and the USA. One of the hearts of democracy is accountability or transparency, the very benefit of the dividends of democracy. Votes no longer count as the political office holders usually turn out to be the dark horse in the election contest. Many elections at all levels have been imbibed with a high level of election controversies and corrupt-mindedness of the electoral officers whose integrity is supposed to remain permanently unquestionable. The undemocratic nature of these politicians to be accountable to their electorates has been the major cause of corruption with the African belief that leaders are not merely servants but they are bosses who should not be held accountable for their deeds for a bunch of reasons. When leaders who are elected to serve their people are not transparent and accountable in their dealings, it is synonymous with "militiocracy" and autocracy, the display of dictatorship and the very intent of enslaving the populace for their personal interest. The level of corruption in the country does not cut across the political institution alone but other institutions have also joined the league of avaricious individuals whose interests are inimical to national interest and development. The most embarrassing of all institutions is the religious institution which is supposed to showcase a high degree of morals and integrity, but rather some pastors and Alfas are the corrupters of the public and the likely godfathers of the highbinders. In fact, it is well known to all Nigerians that many Alfas and pastors have misled the public through false prophecies, collaboration with corrupt and avaricious politicians and hypocrisy. The religious institutions is a very vital institution in nation-building because of morals teachings as encoded in the Koran and Bible, but when this institution is corrupt, what is the solution? Also, the educational institution, especially the higher institutions is also very corrupt, undemocratic with their students and seemingly the living spring of knowledge and morals which the lecturers themselves cannot put into practice. Entrance into primary and secondary schools is a more straight forward process, entrance into a university is anything but a biased and corrupt process and it shows no signs of abatement ...My educational attainment had stalled since I completed my secondary school education four years before. Why? You may ask. Two things: money and connections. Without those, you could not secure admittance into a Nigerian university. It didn’t matter that I had taken all the requisite university exams and passed with flying colors. It didn’t matter. For post-secondary education in Nigeria, merit counts for nothing.The only way you can get into any Nigerian university or college or any for that matter is to either one greases someone else's palm or have your father being the vice chancellor's best friend. What a corrupt nation. " Nigeria is fantastically corrupt" -- David Cameron, the British prime minister. It was a very insulting statement to all leaders, nationalists and patriots of the country. Though some well- meaning Nigerians found this statement vituperative, the fact is that the country is truly what the British leader said it is, as the present war against corruption by President Buhari reveals.
In a country where unemployment, tribal and religious sentimenatlism are rapidly rapid, such a country is bound to be faced with internal insurrection and external aggression no matter how well- equipped and gallant its armed forces are. The present aggressions of the avengers in the Niger- Delta region, the rampancy of the Boko Haram in the Northeast, Northwest and Northcentral regions, the Niger-Delta millitant group, the pro- Biafra supporters, and Fulani Herdsmen are all evidences of the inability of the country's politicians to understand the common purpose of our togetherness and oneness and thereby giving all ethnic groups equal sense of belonging and political participation. Rather, all Nigerian politicians find the policy of give- me-i- give- you as their political ideology with the belief that the ethic group that offers full political support deserves attention and a high level of opportunities more than other ethnic groups whose allegiances are low. The neglect of the minority ethnic groups has been the major cause in the present country's insecurity, because these minority ethnic groups like the Niger-Delta militants opined that the reasons behind their aggression are due to over exploitation of crude oil which is the main stay of Nigerian economy without due respect for their region in terms of employment for their youth, development of their region and the inability of the government to give them a sense of belonging in the country's political affairs. Though it is true that the government has a blame on its part, the fact is that the country's resources must be managed equitably, if not equally. 
  Finally, "An Igbo proverb tells us that a man who does not know where the rain began to him cannot say where he dried his body"---chinua Achebe.. The rain that is beating Nigeria is with Nigerians. The solutions to our problems lie in our hands!!!.

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